
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Cash Accounts

The cash accounts will help you to monitor and control the cash transactions that you enter into the system. By default Loan Performer comes with only one cash account however this module helps you to create more. All the cash accounts must be linked to General Ledger accounts. As long as you have not entered any transactions, you can modify or delete the accounts.

Each user can be linked to specific cash accounts at System->Configuration->Users  and at the end of the day, you can print the Breakdown per Accounts Report for each cashier and check the opening balance, the transactions for the day and the-end-of-day balance.

How to add Cash Account

To add cash accounts you go to System->Configuration->Cash Accounts and a screen like the one below shows up:

Click on the Add command button to add the new cash account and repeat this for all possible cash account.

Note that you can click on the Print command button to view\print the Cash Accounts labels and keep them for future reference.

Then click on the Close button to exit.

How to Delete\Modify a Cash Account

To delete\modify a cash account label you go to System->Configuration->Cash Accounts and a screen like the one below shows up:

From the list of the displayed cash accounts labels in the scroll space, click on the label that you want to delete\modify. The variables for the selected cash account label will be displayed in the relevant text boxes.

To modify the label make the necessary changes and click on the Update command button. To delete the label click on the Delete command button.

Note that you have to be careful when deleting/modifying cash accounts. If there are transactions in these accounts your reports may become inaccurate after modification and the labels that are deleted cannot be used again unless you do a data purge.
Also note that when you delete a Cash Account, you only delete the link between the General Ledger and the Cash Account. The account remains in the General Ledger and can be reassigned. If you want to delete the account from the General Ledger see the topic Chart of Accounts.

Click on the Close button to exit.

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